St. Louis Main Streets is an initiative to enhance the economic, social, cultural, and environmental well-being of Dutchtown. The program is a partnership between Dutchtown Main Streets, the Dutchtown Community Improvement District, Missouri Main Street Connection, and the City of St. Louis.
As a Missouri Main Street Affiliate program, Dutchtown Main Streets is a recognized, leading program among the state network of more than 45 districts and communities who share both a commitment to creating high-quality places and to building stronger communities through preservation-based economic development. St. Louis Main Streets utilizes a four point approach: Organization, Economic Vitality, Design, and Promotion.

The St. Louis Main Streets initiative is guided by residents and professionals with a vested interest in the present and future of Dutchtown, working together with the Dutchtown Main Streets Board of Directors, Dutchtown CID, and Missouri Main Street Connection. Read about what we did in 2020 and keep an eye out for our 2021 report coming soon.

Dutchtown Committees
From the Main Street four-point approach, Dutchtown organizations have developed four committees. The committees—Design (with a Safe, Clean, and Green subcommittee), Economic Vitality, Promotion, Organization, and Safe Clean and Green—report to the Dutchtown Main Streets board. The committees are composed of community members who will guide and perform the work to make Dutchtown a better neighborhood for all. Funding for committee generated initiatives come from a combination of sources including Dutchtown Main Streets, the Dutchtown Community Improvement District, and various community partners, grants, and donations. You can find out more about the committees and sign up at dutchtownstl.org/committees.