The Community Connection Potluck at Thomas Dunn Learning Center is a free and open monthly gathering that aims to foster a sense of community, strengthen local support networks, and build resilience in the face of various social, economic, and environmental challenges. The primary goals of the Community Connection Potluck are fourfold:

  • Provide a welcoming space for neighbors to connect, share experiences, and build relationships.
  • Identify and address community needs and vulnerabilities through collaborative discussion and problem-solving.
  • Cultivate a culture of mutual aid, skill-sharing, and collective care among residents.
  • Develop and implement community-led initiatives that enhance local autonomy, adaptability, and well-being.

We believe every person brings something valuable to the table, whether it’s a dish to share, a story to tell, a skill to teach, or simply their presence and perspective. Bring what you have, come as you are, and share with your neighbors!