Dutchtown Spring Clean
Join Lutheran Development Group for a trash clean-up in Dutchtown and adjoining neighborhoods! Help make a positive impact while enjoying free snacks, coffee, and water.
Looking to help keep Dutchtown beautiful? We’ve often got volunteer opportunities on the Dutchtown Calendar! If alley cleanups, community gardening, and the like are your type of thing, bookmark this page to keep track of upcoming neighborhood cleanups in Dutchtown.
Brightside St. Louis can help you get trash bags, gloves, and tools for your cleanup. Fill out a form online or print one out and send it in to reserve your cleanup materials.
DutchtownSTL.org can help you get the word out about your cleanup event via our website, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. We can also provide customized flyer designs so you can canvass your area for volunteers. Contact us to let us know about your cleanup.
Join Lutheran Development Group for a trash clean-up in Dutchtown and adjoining neighborhoods! Help make a positive impact while enjoying free snacks, coffee, and water.