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Posts about Marquette Park

The fourth annual Marquette Community Day was another huge success! Dutchtown neighbors, led by MCD founders Ben Robinson and Markus Haskins, gave out backpacks and school supplies for children in the Dutchtown neighborhood, along with sharing local community resources and providing a fun day out to create a unique, community-oriented celebration in Marquette Park.

Read the rest of “Marquette Community Day 2021 Recap” 

Become a donor to DT2! Every dollar helps DT2 • Downtown Dutchtown towards our mission of building a thriving Dutchtown for all of our residents, business owners, and other stakeholders.

Read the rest of “A Stronger Dutchtown Through the Pandemic and Beyond” 

Spring is off to a great start at Marquette Park! Neighbors are already taking advantage of the nicer weather to get out and enjoy the space that sits at the center of Dutchtown. We’ve long recognized Marquette Park as an incredible asset for our neighborhood, but there is plenty of work yet to be done.

Read the rest of “What’s Going On at Marquette Park?” 

Join the Dutchtown Community Improvement District on 10/10 to help plant 1,000 tulip and daffodil bulbs throughout Dutchtown!

Read the rest of “10-10-1000: Come Plant with the Dutchtown CID” 

Join us in Marquette Park on Saturday, August 22nd for the final Dutchtown Movie Night of the summer! This time around we’ll be showing Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse on the 22-foot inflatable big screen! We’ll open up at 7:30pm, and the movie will start at dark.

Read the rest of “Dutchtown Movie Night: Into the Spiderverse”