St. Anthony of Padua Fish Fry
Join St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church for their annual Lenten Fish Fry!
The fish fry takes place across the street from the church in the Parish Hall at 3135 Meramec. Meals include fish, two sides, and a drink.
Join St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church for their annual Lenten Fish Fry!
The fish fry takes place across the street from the church in the Parish Hall at 3135 Meramec. Meals include fish, two sides, and a drink.
Join the Mount Pleasant Neighborhood Association for our first quarterly meeting of 2018. Meet our new building inspector, plan the annual neighborhood cleanup, and vote for board members. Get updates from Captain Mueller and our liaison officers, the Circuit Attorneys Office, and our Neighborhood Improvement Specialist.
Join St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church for their annual Lenten Fish Fry!
The fish fry takes place across the street from the church in the Parish Hall at 3135 Meramec. Meals include fish, two sides, and a drink.
Join St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church for their annual Lenten Fish Fry!
The fish fry takes place across the street from the church in the Parish Hall at 3135 Meramec. Meals include fish, two sides, and a drink.
Join St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church for their annual Lenten Fish Fry!
The fish fry takes place across the street from the church in the Parish Hall at 3135 Meramec. Meals include fish, two sides, and a drink.
Join the Mount Pleasant Neighborhood Association for their quarterly meeting on Wednesday, May 30th at the Gretchen Inn at the Feasting Fox. Get updates from elected officials, the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department, the Circuit Attorney’s Office, and our Neighborhood Improvement Specialist.
The Dutchtown Bike Tour and Blessing of the Bikes returns in 2018! This year the Bike Tour will cross paths with the STL Open Streets event on Compton from Meramec to Cherokee.
Find out more about Dutchtown Bike Tour and Blessing of the Bikes
Join the Mount Pleasant Neighborhood Association in cleaning up the community garden between Virginia, Liberty, and Alabama on Saturday, June 23rd. They will have a large construction dumpster to hall off branches, limbs, weeds, and trash. Please bring gloves, brooms, and muscle. MPNA will provide light refreshments.
The SLACO Vacancy Sub-Committee and St. Louis Land Reutilization Authority (LRA) are holding a workshop where they will highlight and market fifteen LRA properties in the Dutchtown, Mt. Pleasant, Gravois Park, and Marine Villa neighborhoods. The purchase price of these selected properties will range from $1,000 to $4,000.
Join the Mount Pleasant Neighborhood Association for their quarterly meeting on Wednesday, September 26th at the Gretchen Inn at the Feasting Fox. Get updates from elected officials, the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department, the Circuit Attorney’s Office, and our Neighborhood Improvement Specialist.