DutchtownSTL, Dutchtown Main Streets, Dutchtown South Community Corporation, and the Dutchtown Community Improvement District are teaming up to help organize stronger blocks and a stronger Dutchtown!
Neighbors who know and look out for each other form the backbone of a strong community. An organized block, no matter how formally or informally organized, increases safety, improves aesthetics, attracts new neighbors, and gets things done.
How Do We Organize Our Block?
We want to connect blocks to resources so they can get and stay organized. Here’s a rundown of our three step process to get your block going.

Reach out! Ask your neighbor if they’d be interested in block organizing to bring more connectedness and resources to your block. If that neighbor is busy, ask the next neighbor, and the next neighbor, until you’ve got a core group willing to begin to communicate on a regular basis.
Let us help facilitate those early interactions that will get you started. If your block will organize around an ongoing issue, or just want to get to know each other better, we can help bring people together.
We can give you tips and tools for reaching out to your neighbors. We’ll also bring neighbors with experience organizing their own blocks to discuss the process and options available to your block.
Communication will be different for every block. Some blocks in Dutchtown use messaging apps like GroupMe, others text, some have email lists, and others Facebook groups.
Free Website for Your Block
Get a website here at DutchtownSTL.org to help share news, events, and resources with neighbors on your block! See an example from 4200 Louisiana or contact us to get set up!
Additionally, DutchtownSTL can create a website for you and your neighbors to centralize resources, share news, set up meeting times, and more. Take a look at what we’ve built for the 4200 block of Louisiana.
We’ll help you find and set up the most effective communication methods for your block. Communication is key to establishing and maintaining an organized block. We’ve got different methods to meet the needs of different blocks. Remember, being respectful is the name of the game, and we’ve got some pointers on that too.
Plug In
There are so many resources available locally in Dutchtown. Whether it’s giving everyone the heads up about a Dutchtown Main Streets event at Marquette Park, going to the Dutchtown CID for a capital improvement, or joining Dutchtown South Community Corporation’s Community Empowerment Committee to get resources onto your block, there’s a group in Dutchtown working toward your block’s common goal.
Get Plugged In!
Find organizations and resources that can help you build a better block!
Dutchtown’s organizations can connect you with people, city departments, SLACO, Brightside St. Louis, the Urban League’s Federation of Block Units, STL Mutual Aid, and other organizations to bring your neighbors together and to address issues on your block. DutchtownSTL also offers an ever-expanding library of online resources. Learning to navigate the city’s processes for getting things done can be difficult, but we’re here to help.
Take a look at how we can get you plugged in.
What Do We Do Next?
We’re ready to help you get started today! Once you have a look at our process outlined above, take inventory of where you currently stand, and let us help fill in the gaps.
Some questions to ask yourself include:
- Do we have other neighbors that are interested or already involved?
- Do we know how to reach out to our neighbors?
- How does our block communicate? Is it effective?
- Does our block have a specific issue or issues to focus on?
- What have we done to address our block’s issues?
Once you have assessed your block’s needs, get in touch with us and let us know how we can help! Just fill out the form at the bottom of the page.
I’m Not Sure If My Block Is Ready
That’s okay! Maybe you’d like to take more time to familiarize yourself with the organizations and people working for a better Dutchtown. You might consider volunteering, joining one of the Dutchtown Committees, coming to a neighborhood meeting, or dropping in for just about any neighborhood event.
If you’re not sure if block organizing is right for you, feel free to get in touch with us and we can discuss how you fit into a stronger Dutchtown!
Sign Us Up!
Give us a little bit of information below, and we’ll help you get started ASAP!
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