We’ve compiled a brief rundown of resources available to our neighbors on the 4200 block of Louisiana. For even more information, visit dutchtownstl.org/resources. You can also find in-depth guides to the Citizens’ Service Bureau, Neighborhood Improvement Specialists, and contacting the police here on DutchtownSTL.org.
Citizens’ Service Bureau
The Citizens’ Service Bureau (CSB) is the City of St. Louis’s clearinghouse for day-to-day city service issues. Call CSB for issues with trash, graffiti, streets and alleys, property code violations, and more.
You can call CSB at (314) 622-4800, file a report online, or send a request via Twitter. The vast majority of issues with city services can be handled by CSB, and when they can’t help you directly they will help you find the right department to ask. When in doubt, start with the Citizens’ Service Bureau.
For more information on the CSB, view the DutchtownSTL.org Guide to the Citizens’ Service Bureau.
Neighborhood Improvement Specialist
The Neighborhood Improvement Specialist serves as a liaison between residents and city services when a more intensive process is required. Neighborhood Improvement Specialists (also known as NISs, NSOs, or Neighborhood Stabilization Officers) work with the Problem Properties Unit of the St. Louis Police Department to abate ongoing nuisances, communicate with elected officials, and travel their assigned wards proactively pursuing problems.
The 25th Ward Neighborhood Improvement Specialist is Christian Saller. He can be reached at (314) 657-1375 or sallerc@stlouis-mo.gov.
Make sure to read DutchtownSTL.org‘s in-depth article about the role of Neighborhood Improvement Specialist.
Elected Officials
More Info on Elected Officials
Find a complete list of aldermen, city elected officials, state representatives, and others serving Dutchtown and the South Side in the DutchtownSTL Resources Guide.
25th Ward Alderman
Ald. Shane Cohn is 25th Ward’s Alderman. He can be reached at (314) 622-3287 or cohns@stlouis-mo.gov. Ald. Cohn chairs the Parks and Environment Committee and also sits on the Education and Youth Matters, Neighborhood Development, and Transportation and Commerce committees at the Board of Aldermen.
For issues with city services, first contact the Citizens’ Service Bureau, then your Neighborhood Improvement Specialist. If you don’t receive a satisfactory resolution in a timely fashion, contact your alderman.
Mayor of St. Louis
Mayor Lyda Krewson is the current mayor of St. Louis. Her office can be reached at (314) 622-3201. You can email the Mayor’s Office at krewsonl@stlouis-mo.gov. Chief of Staff Stephen Conway’s email address is conways@stlouis-mo.gov. You can reach Mayor Krewson’s press secretary, Jacob Long, at longj@stlouis-mo.gov.
State Elected Officials
State Rep. Steve Butz represents the 81st District in the Missouri House of Representatives. His office can be reached at (573) 751-0438 or Steve.Butz@house.mo.gov.
St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department
Call 911 in case of emergency, or (314) 231-1212 for non-emergencies. If you’re not sure where your situation falls on the spectrum, call 911.
The 4200 block of Louisiana lies in the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department’s First District. You can reach First District Commander Capt. Donnell Moore at the South Patrol Division by calling (314) 444-0100. His email address is dmoore@slmpd.org.
To the north of the block across Meramec Street is the Third District. Capt. Joe Morici is the Commander of the Third District. Contact him by calling Central Patrol or at (314) 444-2597. You can also email him at jamorici@slmpd.org.
The chief of St. Louis police is Chief John Hayden. His email address is jwhayden@slmpd.org.
Judge Jimmie Edwards is the Public Safety Director for the City of St. Louis. You can reach him at (314) 622-3391 or jedwards@stlouis-mo.gov.
You can find more information about contacting the police in our Who, Where, and When To Call the Police guide.
Additional Resources
For more neighborhood and city-wide resources, visit dutchtownstl.org/resources. Find information on non-emergency and alternative services, utilities, city agencies, and contacts for needs across Greater Dutchtown.