Dutchtown Main Streets‘ Design Committee and the Dutchtown Community Improvement District want to help you spruce up your storefront! Businesses within the CID footprint can apply for grants of up to $500 $1,000 for physical improvements to their street-facing façades. Our businesses’ front doors are the gateways to Dutchtown for many visitors, and an attractive entrance attracts economic activity and shows off the character of our neighborhood.

Grants will be approved on a first-come, first-served basis. The grants are funded by the Dutchtown CID.

The Application Process

Submit the required documents to apply for the grant. You can download a fillable PDF version of the application here or apply using the online form below. Along with the completed application, some documentation is required, including current photos of the façade conditions, descriptions and itemized costs of the planned improvements, and a letter of permission from the property owner if the applicant leases the space.

Dutchtown Main Streets’ Board of Directors review applications. The board will seek to determine that the application complies with the grant terms. Properties to be improved must be located in the Dutchtown CID footprint and the planned improvements must meet design recommendations.

Applicants complete improvements. Once the applicant has received provisional approval from the Board, work must begin within 90 days and be completed within six months. Improvements that are underway prior to the approval of the application do not qualify for reimbursement. If the work cannot be completed within the required timeframe, the applicant will need to request an extension and provide information on the cause of the delay.

Submit for final approval and get reimbursed. Once the work is complete, the applicant will submit post-project documentation including photos of the completed project and a breakdown of project spending. The board will review the submissions to ensure the project followed guidelines, and as long as the work meets requirements, a check for the requested grant (up to $1,000) will be issued.

Apply for a Grant

Use the form below, or complete this PDF application and send it to info@dutchtownstl.org.

Primary Contact Information

Project Description and Costs

Provide a brief written description of your planned improvement project.

Upload Documents

Include before photos, inspiration photos or renderings, letters from property owners, or any other pertinent documents.

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