Everyone can use a little help around tax time. A few organizations are bringing tax preparation assistance and financial education to our neighbors in Dutchtown this tax season. Find out how to take advantage of these services below.
Tax Assistance from St. Louis TAP and VITA
Need help with your taxes? The St. Louis Tax Assistance Program is here to help! Low and moderate income families with 2019 household incomes below $56,000 can get free assistance preparing their taxes at two locations in Dutchtown.
On Saturdays through February 29th, head to St. Mary’s High School between 8:30am and 11:30am. Email StMarys@stlouistap.org or call 314-782-7454 for more information.
And on Wednesdays through April 15th, you can make an appointment to get assistance at Thomas Dunn Learning Center between 1pm and 4pm. Appointments are required—schedule yours here. Email ThomasDunn@stlouistap.org or call 314-635-8753 for more information.
If these times and locations don’t work for you, St. Louis TAP offers other dates and locations throughout the St. Louis area. Visit their website for a list of locations and dates.
Also on the South Side and across St. Louis, the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program (VITA) offers free tax preparation services for low and moderate income families. Find a list of locations and dates at their website.
If you’re more of a do-it-yourself type, or you’re a bit above the income threshold, United Way offers a portal to find free online tax services. Visit MyFreeTaxes.com for more information.
Credit Fairs with St. Louis Builds Credit
St. Louis Builds Credit, a joint effort between Prosperity Connection, Dutchtown South Community Corporation, and other organizations, hosts weekly Credit Fairs every Wednesday afternoon through tax season at Thomas Dunn Learning Center.
STLBC offers residents of all credit levels free resources on credit building, including one-on-one, confidential financial coaching, classes on credit and money management, referrals to trusted partner services, and more. Get your credit report, review your goals, and create a credit building plan during your free credit coaching session.
In addition to the Wednesday Credit Fairs at Thomas Dunn, services are also available on Saturdays at the Five Start Senior Center in Benton Park West.
Why These Services Are Important
Through the effort to create the Gravois-Jefferson Historic Neighborhood Plan, Dutchtown South and their partners found that neighbors needed better access to reputable financial services. Unbanked and underbanked residents want to expand their financial capability, but need the knowledge and skills to build and keep prime credit scores.
Additionally, residents seek to reduce the number of predatory financial institutions in the Dutchtown area. This includes not just payday lenders, but also fly-by-night tax preparation services that offer expensive advance loans on tax refunds.
Organizations like St. Louis TAP and St. Louis Builds Credit can help our neighbors avoid the pitfalls of predatory financial services and empower themselves with financial strength that will ripple through Dutchtown. Take advantage of these great opportunities, and tell your neighbors!